deKay's Lofi Gaming

Top Spin 2 (360)

A friend came round this evening and we played two player mode. Once again, it looked like the 3:1, 1:3, 3:1 thing, but it turned out to be slightly different. I lost, though. I had, however, in my defence, chosen a weak female player, whereas he chose Federer. Clearly that is the only way he could have beaten me.

Top Spin 2 (360)

More working through the career mode. I managed to win a round or two in a few tournaments, so I gained a bit of money and so trained a little. I’m finding it very odd that every single match I play is ending up as 3:1, 1:3, 3:1. Sometimes I win, sometimes the other player. Very strange, non?

Top Spin 2 (360)

Worked my way through the career mode some more today, and I’m now into the second season. I haven’t even got close to winning a tournament yet, which is crap, and I’ve now run out of money with which to buy training sessions. Bah.

Top Spin 2 (360)

This was one of four games that came in the post today, and as soon as I turned it on, I saw my brother was online playing it. After about ten minutes in the training sessions of career mode, I played a few games against him and barely won a few points, let alone any games or sets. Even changing my player was no use. I did manage to unlock an achievement by playing him, however. After that, I worked …

Top Spin 2 (Demo) (360)

After taking about fifty million billion years to download, I finally got to play this. It’s pretty good too, although I have no idea what the bar next to the player’s name with the buttons on does. You don’t seem to have a lot of control over where you hit the ball to, which is a pain when there’s an open bit of court and you want to whack it there so your opponent can’t get to it in time. …

Viewtiful Joe 2

Reel 6 – Do Androids Dream of Romantic Scene? I don’t care, but what I do care about is the sodding SuckySuck(TM) bit that is the entire reel. Yes. Why do games designers think that recycling all of the game’s bosses and throwing them at you one after another is a good idea? There is some stupid bit of story behind it this time, with “Miss Bloody Rachel” (no, that is her name) the android morphing into copies of all …

Weekly Round Up

I’ve been a bit busy this week so haven’t had time to fill in my diary. So here’s a brief rundown of what I’ve been playing: Me and My Katamari (PSP)It’s been this for most of the week. It is good and all, but I’m finding it a bit limiting. There are so few locations in the game (even fewer than the 360 version, in fact) that almost every level is a repeat of the last, with a different – …

Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Persona! There we go. I was going to try not to mention it at all but I realised that would be impossible so thought I’d just come straight out with it. Yes indeed: Tokyo Xanadu is very Persona. Perhaps that is why I enjoyed it so much. So, stop me when you’ve heard this one before. Some school children who ordinarily wouldn’t mix with each other because one is really shy and one is perceived to be a bully and …

Arcade Paradise (Switch): COMPLETED!

In which you run a launderette, put washing on, tumble dry, collect it up, and pick up rubbish. Only! In the back room of the launderette is a mostly forgotten and unloved video game arcade with a handful of machines! So when you make laundry money, you buy more arcade machines, and then they make you money, and then they start to make so much money that, actually, the laundrette starts to just get in the way so you oust …

Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Switch): COMPLETED!

It’s different, isn’t it? The last few main Pokémon games have all claimed to be “new” in terms of how they play, with Let’s Go! doing away with proper battles with wild Pokémon, Sun and Moon being properly in 3D and Sword and Shield having the Wild Areas. Arceus is like an extrapolation of those Wild Areas, with several large regions you can freely travel around, seeing Pokémon in the wild doing what they do, and catching them by sneaking …

Heavy Rain (PS4): COMPLETED!

Never before has a game made me so angry. It’s not the sort of game I’d ever normally consider playing, and I didn’t know that much about it apart from that it was by David Cage (which itself meant very little as I’ve never played a Cage game) and involved a murder story. I thought it was a bit like one of the Telltale Games adventures, but more “cinematic”. But, coerced by two people I considered, until this point, as …

Ristar (Switch): COMPLETED!

I did have a longer post for this but the WordPress app swallowed it and I can’t be bothered repeating myself. What I basically said, though, is that I’d unfairly maligned Ristar for years because I didn’t like it and it wasn’t Sonic, but actually giving it time it’s not that bad at all. It’s still no Sonic, but it’s a decent enough game in its own right. EDIT: ONE YEAR LATER! I found the post the WordPress app ate. …